Sunday, December 31, 2006
Holiday defragmentation ... :-) Read this !

So I was permitted 2 weeks off duty. But my dear (remaining) assistent ordered me to still go to work for just one day, jan 2.
Just like your HD needs from time to time some maintaning, my brains need too.
Visitors who know who I am understand the reason behind this chosen picture : it has also a little bit to do about my work... :-)
Visitors who don't maybe have the wrong impression , I like that ... :-)
Blogging is a kind of addiction. I should stay far from it now to also refresh my mind about this.
Regular visitors have noticed I changed a lot about the looks of my BLog.
I really know nothing about HTML but by try/retry I manage to change it the way I want it.
On the left of the BLog better look for the links.
At first I placed over there (the links to) the original pictures. The BLog became unreadable but also very slow....
Now I understand how to manage the size of pictures over there instead of re-uploading the old post-pictures in a smaller way (and re-organizing the original post to keep the good lay-out)....
Today it took me a long time to change the background color. I didn't like the just plain white. Learned again something : to 'play' with the hexadecimal figures (green/blue/red), the effect to the readability and (most important) where to place it in the template... OK, not efficiant the way I'm doing.
Did change a lot more of the original Blogger template I did choose in the beginning. It's so much more fun than just posting albums.
Of course younger guys (with knowledge of HTML) will smile...... The main purpose is to keep my brains working (I admit doing it in at this moment an inefficient way). Ah, maybe in the near future I will read some books asbout this and will smile too the way I behaved today.
Off the record. I had my first 'computer' around 1980. Remember my friends and I burned the chips ourselves to get different 'kernals', to change the letters of the printer and so on.
Got a new job, got 'Symphony' (Spreadsheet/Database/Wordprocessor, nowadays called a 'suite' but at that time something completely new) to install on my new PC. Never had a real PC. But cracked it within a day ! Never forget the looks of the 'professional' administrator. How could a guy like me, with a completely different background, achieve this ?
Computering was and still is a nice hobby if you find a personal touch.
And that is NOT only DOWNLOADING !!
Anyway, I will go on changing the looks, it keeps this old man from the street...
And I sincerely hope, you my dear reader of this, will start your own BLog. Give your thoughts in the open. It is so much fun. And maybe I will add to my 'links' (as I myselve got some help first of may and now reached about 5000 visitors a month) ; shouldn't that be nice ??
Henry and I will think and support ya you every day for the next 150 days !!
Take care buddy !!
After it we will to go again to 'eastern Europe' as we did in the old days (and as we promised each other) !!!!
I installed it on the 3 PCs we had in the whole department of 150 people - Happy days when a bit of DOS skill made you DA MAN.
Now any fool can install & find their way around Windows apps.
When a Windows user (without knowledge of the old times) has a problem he mostly can't fix it and needs a lot of help.
We have the advantage of good old DOS.
You're new to my humble BLog.
Regular visitors have seen the way I changed it from the original chosen simple template offered by Blogger to how it looks now.
Without any knowledge about HTML I changed a lot of things (ok, I admit, in a simple way).
Learned how to change the background color, the way how to give links on the left, to open a link in a new window etc etc.
Learned how to make links look nice in the main page.
You cannot copy txt from my page anymore.
Like that. Couldn't have done it without knowledge of good old DOS.
Have more things in mind to change my BLog compared to others.
Like this, keeps this old man from the street ... :-)
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