Tuesday, January 09, 2007


On this day 1968 : First landing on the moon

On Jan. 9, 1968, the Surveyor 7 space probe made a soft landing on the moon, marking the end of the American series of unmanned explorations of the lunar surface.

Read this New York Times article.

Remember this like it was yesterday. What a great achievement by great Americans like dr Werner von Braun ... :-)

In about two years there was even a human being on the moon ! How glad I am to have been 'present' at this all.

Me too !

Seeing the Earth from Apollo 8 when it left Earth's orbit was the most humbling thing I have ever seen before or since.

It makes you realise just how beautiful and precious our planet it.

If only we could all care for it & each other instead of looking after our selfish ways.
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