Sunday, June 22, 2008


Holland - Russia 1-3

It was a nice day yesterday and all the signs were positive. Holland played the first three matches so well.

The Russian ? Shouldn't be a problem.
But coached by Dutch trainer Guus Hiddink they were the better team. It turned out to be a match which was won well deserved by them.
We all admitted that.

This picture shows the Dutch 'orange fans' walking in one massive line-up to the stadium. An impressive sight !
Impressive also the one minute silence to remember the immediate death of the last week in Switzerland born child of Khalid Boulahrouz and his wife. There are more important things than just a soccer match.

I liked the trip (although my orange 'olé olé' flag 'disappeared' somehow...) but sadly 'the orange party' has come to an end.... Good luck to the Russian team.

ja, wel jammer voor Nederland, jullie waren goed op dreef. 'k dacht even dat jullie het zouden schoppen tot in de finale. Maar ach, er is altijd wel een andere keer

Ach, er zijn ergere dingen in de wereld dan uitgeschakeld te worden in een voetbalwedstrijd.
Nederland heeft zich de afgelopen 2 jaar weer lekker druk kunnen maken over het voetbal....
Dat geldt ook voor alle andere landen.
Meestal zeer ongenuanceerd maar ja zo zjn de mensen...
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