Tuesday, July 22, 2008


It can be over in a second...

My daughter talked to Dan just 5 minutes before....
She drove home and saw him again.... too soon....
Road to this tree less than 20 yards....
No time to use his breaks....
Just one second....

Please drive safely
Timestamp this very moment

How terribly, terribly sad. My heart goes out to your daughter, to you and to the family of "D". It is strong of you to turn a senseless tragedy into a message that may save others. Bless you and yours. Also, I will pray for your lost friend.
Merci, very much appreciated.

This is the second deadly traffic accident of a 20 year young lad within 3 months in our little village of 400 inhabitants...

So yes that was (also) the purpose : to warn everyone. Also us elderly....
A mistake is made so quickly. Driving too fast, alcohol, no respect for other drivers and so on.....

There are much more important things in life than just just having fun with a Blog and music.
My postings for the next days are already 'scheduled'.
Despite this tragic accident 'life goes on', has to go on.....
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