Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Nilsson, Harry - The point! 1970

Nilsson, Harry - The point 1970
Pass (type it and don't forget the underscore) : JD_070121
Note that this is my vinyl recording from the original LP. The fantastic whole booklet/cartoon is included.
There's also a CD with bonus tracks but I prefer the vinyl recording.
Raises me a question. Does someone has the original cartoon (NOT the remake with Ringo Starr !) ??
EDIT 2008_01_14
I finally laid a hand on the TV-cartoon. Not an excellent tape after all those years but it is sooo great to watch ! Thanks Marvin & Harriet !!!!
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i come to your site from hanszunblog. he said you are called hans also....so what is it..hans or jean. just kidding. i am trying to share my old vinyl also. i finally have all the bits and pieces to plug in my old turntable AND a rapidshare account (which sure makes downloading easier and faster). you must be pretty good with computer to make your logo (under "about me"). thanks for sharing and i will visit again soon.
What a great, great album to start with. Thanks so much. I remember seeing it when it originally aired.
Good luck on your blog!
Good luck on your blog!
What great memories! Thanks! A family favorite from the past. I have A VHS copy of this: if it's the original, I'll find a way to up load it. Again thanks for what you do!
w0w, what a great delightful, pleasurable album... can't find any fauLt in this!!! so meLodioUs w/ an imaginative, incrediBLe st0ry and as greAt as any perfect p0p aLbum can be...
thank you very MucH~
I'd really love to live in that t0wn where almost anybodY and anything has a p0int... &^__^*
thank you very MucH~
I'd really love to live in that t0wn where almost anybodY and anything has a p0int... &^__^*
Hello jeansmusic!
Guess what I came across a record of this at the thrift shop and with good condition at that, too! I had the owner test it and the people in the cafe were cheering and delighted with the music (their first time to hear it) I am sooo thankful to you for introducing me to this wonderful album. again, thaNks. ^^*
Guess what I came across a record of this at the thrift shop and with good condition at that, too! I had the owner test it and the people in the cafe were cheering and delighted with the music (their first time to hear it) I am sooo thankful to you for introducing me to this wonderful album. again, thaNks. ^^*
Good heavens, I've not heard this since 1971! Kenny Everett was a big fan of Harry Nilsson's, as were the Beatles. Lovely to hear it again. Thanks Jean!;-)
What a coincidence Alan. Just earlier this week I watched again the TV cartoon of The Point. So great the 'underlaying' thought/message.
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