Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Pauline : many, many thanks !

Today was a sad day.
First off all it's my birthday and when you're on the wrong side of life expectancy .... :-)
Secondly it was the last day Pauline was at the office. Remember when I hired her at our former employer. That lasted only 5 years : because of a reorganisation we had to leave. Started a bussiness of my own and (of course ...) Henny, Anja and Pauline came along.
After 20 years of loyal service Pauline left us today.
Tonight we had a farewell dinner and when she wants to know the time she will think of us ...
Pauline, it was a pleasure to have had you 'on board'. Thank you sooooo much !!
And 'my girls' : thank you again for that great music book !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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much too late but...:
Happy birthday dear Hans, I wish you had a great day.
J. (or better known as Rog)
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Happy birthday dear Hans, I wish you had a great day.
J. (or better known as Rog)
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